TEACHERS' pay could be capped depending on whether their pupils succeed, new guidance has revealed.
Advice to help schools decide how to pay their teachers has been published by the Department for Education (DfE).
From September 1, schools will be able to link teachers' pay to performance, allowing them to pay good teachers more, it claims.
This follows recommendations from the Independent School Teachers' Review Body, which last year called on the Government to link teachers' pay more closely to their performance.
But the head teacher of Sandcross Primary School in Reigate, Judith Constable, asked: "How much is a happy child worth?"
She said: "Relating pay to the performance of children is a challenge for everybody concerned with the process. Most teachers work extremely hard to make sure the children succeed.
"They come into the job because they care about children and not because of the money.
"It is very difficult to award a vocational career."
Every school now needs to revise its pay and appraisal policies, setting out how pay progression will in future be linked to a teacher's performance.
The first performance-linked pay increases will then be made from September 2014.
The head teacher of Downs Way School in Oxted, Sue Palmer, said she did not agree with the changes.
She said: "I think it is probably not a good idea because you only teach the children that you have got and sometimes children are not always capable of getting to the level that the Government expect them to get to."
The DfE believes the new arrangements "provide increased flexibility for schools to develop pay policies tailored to their particular needs".
To assess how much teachers should be paid, governing bodies will be looking into areas such as a teacher's impact on pupil progress and pupils' behaviour.
It is up to each school to decide how to implement the new pay arrangements – and each school must make the link between pay and performance clear.
Heads will be responsible for developing arrangements for performance-linked pay and for explaining to teachers how appraisal outcomes will lead to pay decisions.
A DfE spokesman said: "It is vital that schools can recruit and reward the best teachers.
"The advice published will help schools to review their pay policies and put in place arrangements that enable them to pay the best teachers more."