MOTHER-OF-TWO Sonia Love is worried for the safety of her children after landlords left her with a "dangerous" temporary floor for six months.
Mole Valley Housing Association (MVHA) fitted plywood sheeting in the kitchen of Ms Love's flat in March after a water leak damaged the existing laminate floor.
The company told her it would be in place for a short period – but, after six months of phone calls, the slippery, splintered surface which is littered with exposed screwheads, remains in place.
Miss Love, 27, told the Advertiser her sons – ten-month-old Lenny and three-year-old Jack – were constantly hurting themselves on the floor, which she considers a "major health and safety issue". She added: "They told me it would only be for a couple of months but it's still down now.
"It's really dangerous; my elder son has slipped over on it dozens of times and hurt himself – he's smashed his face on the floor – and my younger son is now crawling so he keeps getting splinters in his hands, knees and feet which I have to take out. It's not nice."
Miss Love – who is forced to keep tweezers and medical supplies on permanent standby – has also slipped several times, once while carrying a pan of boiling water.
She added: "I slipped over with a pan of boiling water and I managed to chuck it in the sink. I was lucky I wasn't hurt.
"My cousin slipped over too, and she was pregnant, which was a worry.
"I keep ringing them, asking when they're going to do it. It's annoying and I'm worried for the safety of my boys.
"Lenny is going to start walking soon and if he slips over on that he's really going to hurt himself.
"It's an open-plan kitchen so it's not possible to close it off. I've had to go out and buy a playpen to put my son in and a stairgate to keep my other son in his bedroom while I'm cooking."
After being contacted by the Advertiser, Mole Valley Housing Association managing director David Searle said: "We have apologised directly to Miss Love and are starting work to fully replace her damaged floor this week."